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The Office of Instructional and Research Technology Blog

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Invitation to present your special use of technology in academia

Every year, OIRT's Technology Showcase brings together faculty and staff from around the university to share novel uses of technology in academia.

Do you use technology to organize your research in a novel way? Do your students grasp your material better because of the way you present it using a specific technology? We'd love to hear about it and have you share your experiences with other faculty and staff at the university.

In past years, we've had faculty talk about their use of a variety of technologies including, but certainly not limited to:

- Google Earth for showing GIS data
- Second Life for language acquisition
- Sakai for coursework, student organization, and research projects
- Podcasting for complex course content that bears repeating
- Voicethread as a rich feedback mechanism for student assignment submissions

This year's Technology Showcase is on December 18th from 11am-5pm. OIRT is looking for faculty and staff to present their own special uses of technology in academia. Note that if you are selected, we'd ask you to be available at the event for at least half of the day.

Send us an e-mail at if you have something to contribute to our ongoing conversation about how we can all better use technology in academia! Please include your name, department, a brief description of the technology you'd like to present, and your availability on the day of the event.

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